…the reality of Christ, Who is the Word of God, undoubtedly
precedes all created things in essence, in attributes, and in distinction.
Before appearing in human form, the Word of God was in a state of utmost
sanctity and glory, abiding in perfect beauty and splendour in the height of
its majesty. When, through the wisdom of the Most High, that Word shed its
light from the pinnacle of glory upon the corporeal world, it was assaulted
through the flesh. Thus it fell into the hands of the Jews, became the captive
of the ignorant and the unjust, and was at last crucified. That is why He
called upon God, saying: Release Me from the bondage of the corporeal realm and
deliver Me from this cage, that I may ascend to the heights of greatness and
majesty, regain the former sanctity and glory which I enjoyed before inhabiting
the world of the flesh, rejoice in the everlasting dominion, and wing My flight
to My true abode, the placeless realm of the unseen Kingdom.
- 'Abdu'l-Baha (Table talks in
Akka, authenticated by ‘Abdu’l-Baha; ‘Some Answered Questions’ – 2014 revised
translation by the Baha’i World Centre)