February 28

O ye two believers in God! The Lord, peerless is He, hath made woman and man to abide with each other in the closest companionship, and to be even as a single soul. They are two helpmates, two intimate friends, who should be concerned about the welfare of each other.

If they live thus, they will pass through this world with perfect contentment, bliss, and peace of heart, and become the object of divine grace and favour in the Kingdom of heaven. But if they do other than this, they will live out their lives in great bitterness, longing at every moment for death, and will be shamefaced in the heavenly realm.

Strive, then, to abide, heart and soul, with each other as two doves in the nest, for this is to be blessed in both worlds. 
- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (‘Selections from the Writings of ‘Abdu’l-Baha’)

February 27

…the attributes of the people of faith are justice and fair-mindedness; forbearance and compassion and generosity; consideration for others; candor, trustworthiness, and loyalty; love and loving-kindness; devotion and determination and humanity. If therefore an individual is truly righteous, he will avail himself of all those means which will attract the hearts of men, and through the attributes of God he will draw them to the straight path of faith and cause them to drink from the river of everlasting life. 
- 'Abdu'l-Baha  (‘The Secret of Divine Civilization’)

February 26

Verily, I hope from God that ye may become my associates in servitude to His Holy Threshold and my partners at the entrance of the Door of His Oneness; so that ye may equally serve in His great vineyard. Then thank ye your Lord, for He hath favored you with this manifest success. By God, the true One! this cannot be equaled either by the dominion of the world or by the gift of ruling over all regions with pomp, glory and power! Reflect ye upon the chosen ones of God in the earlier ages! How their worth was unknown during their days; how they were known by people as but ordinary individuals and unimportant persons! Afterwards, their arguments appeared, their lights scintillated, their stars beamed, their trees became lofty, their mysteries gleamed forth, their fruits were praised, their reservoirs became overflowing, their gardens adorned, their birds warbled and their joy became perfect in the Kingdom of their Beneficent Lord. 
- ‘Abdu'l-Baha  (Tablets of ‘Abdu'l-Baha vol. 2)

February 25

Be ye a refuge to the fearful; bring ye rest and peace to the disturbed; make ye a provision for the destitute; be a treasury of riches for the poor; be a healing medicine for those who suffer pain; be ye doctor and nurse to the ailing; promote ye friendship, and honour, and conciliation, and devotion to God, in this world of non-existence. 
- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (‘Selections from the Writings of ‘Abdu’l-Baha’)

February 24

Praised be God, the women believers have organized meetings where they will learn how to teach the Faith, will spread the sweet savours of the Teachings and make plans for training the children.

This gathering must be completely spiritual. That is, the discussions must be confined to marshalling clear and conclusive proofs that the Sun of Truth hath indeed arisen. And further, those present should concern themselves with every means of training the girl children; with teaching the various branches of knowledge, good behaviour, a proper way of life, the cultivation of a good character, chastity and constancy, perseverance, strength, determination, firmness of purpose; with household management, the education of children, and whatever especially applieth to the needs of girls—to the end that these girls, reared in the stronghold of all perfections, and with the protection of a goodly character, will, when they themselves become mothers, bring up their children from earliest infancy to have a good character and conduct themselves well.

Let them also study whatever will nurture the health of the body and its physical soundness, and how to guard their children from disease. 
- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (‘Selections from the Writings of ‘Abdu’l-Baha’)

February 23

Consider how many empresses have come and gone since the time of Christ. Each was the ruler of a country but now all trace and name of them is lost, while Mary Magdalene, who was only a peasant and a maidservant of God, still shineth from the horizon of everlasting glory. Strive thou, therefore, to remain the maidservant of God. 
- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (‘Selections from the Writings of ‘Abdu’l-Baha’)

February 22

This distinguished man [Nabil, the author of the Dawn-Breakers] was erudite, wise, and eloquent of speech. His native genius was pure inspiration, his poetic gift like a crystal stream. In particular, his ode “Bahá, Bahá!” was written in sheer ecstasy. Throughout all his life, from earliest youth till he was feeble and old, he spent his time serving and worshiping the Lord. He bore hardships, he lived through misfortunes, he suffered afflictions. From the lips of the Manifestation he heard marvelous things. He was shown the lights of Paradise; he won his dearest wish. And at the end, when the Daystar of the world had set, he could endure no more, and flung himself into the sea. The waters of sacrifice closed over him; he was drowned, and he came, at last, to the Most High. 
- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (‘Memorials of the Faithful’)

February 21

Turn thou unto the Kingdom of Oneness and chant thou the verses of Singleness. Be thou invested with a robe, the embroidery of which is purity and sanctity and the woof and warp of which is the spirituality of the Mighty Lord, so that thou mayest inhale the fragrance of the divine rose-garden from the garment of the real Joseph and so divest thyself of the mantle of bodily things that angelhood and ideal spirituality become realized (in thee). 
- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (‘Tablets of ‘Abdu’l-Baha, vol. 1)

February 20

The aim of the appearance of the Blessed Perfection—may my life be a sacrifice for His beloved ones! —was the unity and agreement of all the people of the world. Therefore, my utmost desire, firstly, is the accord and union and love of the believers and after that of all the people of the world. Now, if unity and agreement is not established among the believers, I will become heartbroken and the afflictions will leave a greater imprint upon me. But if the fragrance of love and unity among the believers is wafted to my nostrils, every trial will become a mercy, every unhappiness a joy, every difficulty an expansion, every misery a treasure and every hardship a felicity. 
- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (‘Tablets of ‘Abdu’l-Baha, vol. 1)

February 19

…as to the question of the Trinity, know, O advancer unto God, that in each one of the cycles wherein the Lights have shone forth upon the horizons (i.e., in each prophetic dispensation) and the Forgiving Lord hath revealed Himself on Mount Paran (see Habbakkuk 3:3, etc.) or Mount Sinai, or Mount Seir (see Ezekiel 35), there are necessarily three things: The Giver of the Grace, and the Grace, and the Recipient of the Grace; the Source of the Effulgence, and the Effulgence, and the Recipient of the Effulgence; the Illuminator, and the Illumination, and the Illuminated. Look at the Mosaic cycle: The Lord, and Moses, and the Fire (i.e., the burning bush), the Intermediary; and in the Mohammedan cycle: The Lord, the Apostle (or Messenger, Mohammed), and Gabriel (for, as the Mohammedans believe, Gabriel brought the Revelation from God to Mohammed). Look at the sun and its rays and the heat which results from its rays; the rays and the heart are but two effects of the sun, but inseparable from it; yet the sun is one in its essence, unique in its real identity, single in its attributes, neither is it possible that anything should resemble it. Such is the essence of the Truth concerning the Unity, the real doctrine of the Singularity, the undiluted reality as to the (Divine) Sanctity. 
- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (‘Tablets of ‘Abdu’l-Baha, vol. 1)

February 18

The poor man [Kheiralla] has become nameless and debased both in this world and in the Kingdom. What a high honor he had! But as he did not appreciate the fact, it all came to naught. He wished to be made the leader of America and wrote plainly to me to this effect. One of the answers I gave him was, `Cast aside all mention of the ruler and the ruled, the governor and the governed.' 
- 'Abdu'l-Baha  (Words of ‘Abdu’l-Baha aboard the ship, March 26, 1912, recorded by Mahmud Zarqani; ‘Mahmud’s Diary’)

February 17

As for the question of inheritance which is occasioning perplexity: in truth, one is entirely free during his lifetime to make provision in his will for the division and distribution of his property amongst his heirs in whatsoever manner he seeth fit, in order that his wishes may then be implemented after he hath passed away. The writing of a will is obligatory upon everyone; everyone, that is, must in his lifetime draw up a will that is firm, sound, and clear in its provisions; seal and hide it; and guard it in a very safe place. In drawing up his will the testator enjoyeth full discretion to dispose of his property as he seeth fit; his will is a binding instrument, having precedence over any other provision, and no one hath the power to either modify or change it. Under these conditions, should he bequeath his whole property to his children, he is but acting within his rights. In the event, however, of disobedience to this command, of failure to draw up a will, and of non-fulfilment of the divine obligation; likewise in the event of disappearance of the will itself, the testator's property will be divided up according to the designated shares. 
- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (From a Tablet; compilation: ‘Concerning the Question of Inheritance: Extracts from Four Tablets by Abdu'l-Bahá’, prepared by the Research Department of the Universal House of Justice)

February 16

One of the servants asked why man is not thankful when in comfort?

‘Abdu'l-Bahá replied: ‘It is due to negligence. Otherwise one must be aware and thankful when immersed in the sea of bounties.' 
- 'Abdu'l-Baha  (Words of ‘Abdu’l-Baha aboard the ship, March 26, 1912, recorded by Mahmud Zarqani; ‘Mahmud’s Diary’)

February 15

His Exalted Majesty (the Bab) from the beginning of the arising of His Beauty to the day of the Greatest Martyrdom, spent days and nights under severest trials, in the Path of God; He made His breast a target for thousands of arrows of calamities, and with a breast pierced and torn, hastened to the Most Glorious Kingdom.

The Eternal Beauty the Greatest Name (Baha’u’llah) tasted of the poison of every calamity, drank of the cup brimful of all kinds of trials, made His breast the target for every arrow, made His neck indebted to every sword. He was incarcerated in a prison and was bound in merciless chains. He was exposed to the derision of the crowds of enemies and became a butt for the stones of miscreants. He was subjected to chains and collars, and was tightly bound with ropes and fetters. He was exiled from His native land and was carried to the land of Bulgers and Serbs. In the Most Great Prison (Acca) He suffered inexorable calamities and His blessed days ended in this cruel prison and dark dungoon, while a prisoner of oppression and injustice and He ascended to His Kingdom. 
- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (From a Tablet; Star of the West, vol. 4, no. 4, May 17, 1913)

February 14

Praise be to God, that the hosts of the Most Glorious Kingdom are coming together in large numbers and the Stars of the Highest Horizon are in uprising and ascension! The Banner of Guidance is in motion, the Cloud of Bounty is descending in a shower, and the Luminary of the Horizon of Significance is shining! The Feast and the enjoyment of the Kingdom are in complete harmony, and the Dawn of Favor is breaking with the Light of Guidance! It is the Melody of the Kingdom of Abha which is descending from the Supreme Concourse, saying:

O dead one, who art without heart and soul! Become alive! Become alive!
O sleeping one, in the water and clay! Be awake! Be awake!

O intoxicated one, who art witless and gone astray! Become sensible! Become sensible! 
- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (From a Tablet; Star of the West, vol. 4, no. 4, May 17, 1913)

February 13

O friends, be loyal!
O beloved ones, be firm and steadfast!
O imploring ones, trust in God and rely upon Him!
O humble ones, be attached to God and cling to Him!

Let us encourage each other and set all in motion. Let us strive to diffuse the Fragrance of God and engage ourselves in exalting the Word of God!

Let us ever be alert through the influence of the gentle breeze wafted from the Garden of Favor, and enjoy the Sweet Fragrance of the Garden of Unity!

Let us put enthusiasm and commotion into the hearts of the righteous, and excitement and joy into the hearts of the free! 
- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (From a Tablet; Star of the West, vol. 4, no. 4, May 17, 1913)

February 12

O faithful friends and companions of that Bright Countenance! Is it becoming that we should sit idle, even for one moment, practice delay, and seek ease and comfort so that we be exposed to temptation and indolence, be occupied with our own thoughts and lose our hearts to strangers and kindred? Nay, by God, we ought not to rest for one moment day nor night; we ought not to pollute our pure hearts with the attachment to this world; we must prepare Divine Assemblies, establish Feasts of Love, sing the melody of the Most Glorious Kingdom… 
- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (From a Tablet; Star of the West, vol. 4, no. 4, May 17, 1913)

February 11

O friends of God! O spiritual companions!

The Lord of the peoples of the world declares in the beneficent Qur’an: "And there is for you in the Prophet of God a good example" That is to say, to follow His Holiness is a good example and to imitate that Real Leader is the means of acquiring success in both of the worlds. The followers of the Prophet were commanded to follow Him in all affairs and manners, and when some individuals, having recognized this safe path as the Straight Road, traveled therein, they became Kings in the Land of the Righteous and the Kingdom of the Elect. And those souls who tried to acquire comfort with ease, deprived themselves of all bounties and perished in the lowest ditch of despair. Their days came to an end and their happiness terminated Their bright morn became dark, and their transparent cup became full of dregs and rust. Their uprising star descended, and their bright luminary set. 
- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (From a Tablet; (Star of the West, vol. 4, no. 4, May 17, 1913)

February 10

If the material luxuries of the whole earth were available to ‘Abdu'l-Baha, He would not think for one moment that there is such a thing as comfort and luxury in the world. But when a soul perfuming fragrance wafts from the rose-garden of the hearts of the friends to the nostrils of ‘Abdu’l- Baha, such joy is realized that involuntarily I render thanksgiving unto the Blessed Perfection Who has trained such servants. 
- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (From a Tablet; Star of the West, vol. 4, no. 3, April 28, 1913)

February 9

Pray to God that He may strengthen you in divine virtue, so that you may be as angels in the world, and beacons of light to disclose the mysteries of the Kingdom to those with understanding hearts. 
- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (From a talk, November 1, 1911, Paris, France; ‘Paris Talks’)

February 8

O maid-servant of God!

Thank God for choosing thee, saving thee and granting thee of these great blessings and glorious attainments. Verily, thy Lord shall confirm thee in that which shall surprise the minds, through the glowing of its love and the manifestations of the signs of its favors. It is incumbent upon thee to be pure and holy. It is incumbent upon thee to be severed from all else save thy Lord. Confine thy attention and thoughts to the Cause of thy great Lord and to diffusing His fragrances in that country. 
- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (‘Tablets of ‘Abdu’l-Baha, vol. 1)

February 7

Verily, O my God, the lamps of guidance are extinguished; the fire of animosity is enkindled; wrath and antipathy are spread abroad and provocation and maliciousness are disseminated upon the face of the earth. Yet I see only Thy wronged followers who are crying at the tops of their voices and summoning the people:

Hasten ye toward affinity!
Hasten ye toward faithfulness!
Hasten ye toward generosity!
Hasten ye toward guidance!
Hasten ye toward union!
Hasten ye to behold the Light of the World!
Hasten ye toward love and prosperity!
Hasten ye toward peace and reconciliation!
Hasten ye toward the law of disarmament!
Hasten ye toward harmony and success!
Hasten ye toward cooperation and mutual help in the path of guidance! 
- ‘Abdu’l-Baha Abbas  (From a Tablet; Star of the West, vol. 4, no. 1, March 21, 1913)

February 6

God sent His Prophets into the world to teach and enlighten man, to explain to him the mystery of the Power of the Holy Spirit, to enable him to reflect the light, and so in his turn, to be the source of guidance to others. The Heavenly Books, the Bible, the Qur’án, and the other Holy Writings have been given by God as guides into the paths of Divine virtue, love, justice and peace.

Therefore, I say unto you that ye should strive to follow the counsels of these Blessed Books, and so order your lives that ye may, following the examples set before you, become yourselves the saints of the Most High! 
- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (From a talk, November 1, 1911, Paris, France; ‘Paris Talks’)

February 5

O servant of God! rejoice through the glad-tidings of God, be happy by the wafting of the fragrance of God, and cling to the Kingdom of God in such wise that it makes thee separate thyself from the world and kindle in thy heart the fire of the love of God to such an extent that anyone who approaches thee will feel its warmth; and if thou desirest to attain to this station, thou shouldst turn thyself wholly unto God. Perhaps an illumination will descend upon thee by which the fragrances of God will be diffused throughout those regions and districts and thou wilt be a lamp of guidance from which the lights of knowledge will emanate and spread in those far countries and distant lands. 
- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (‘Tablets of ‘Abdu’l-Baha, vol. 1)

February 4

O thou who art attracted by the fragrances of God, exert thyself and fail not to infuse affection throughout all hearts and souls; [fail not] to gather all the souls together in the assemblage of union and cheerfulness, so that the beloved of God may become as a levied army of the Supreme Concourse and as a host of salvation descending from the Kingdom of Abha and conquer the countries of hearts and the cities of souls with their tongues, similar to sharp swords whereby fortresses and castles are conquered. 
- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (‘Tablets of ‘Abdu’l-Baha, vol. 1)

February 3

O thou who are enkindled by the fire of the Love of God!

Verily, I received thy good and beautiful letter and I found it to be a sign of thy love and an evidence of thy being attracted to the Beauty of Abha. I ask God to make thee a caller to the Kingdom of Abha, in those regions; to give thee a draught of the wine of grace, to attract thee to the center of guidance, to cause thee to ascend unto the Supreme World and to confirm thee by the fragrances of the Holy Spirit, until thou mayest guide the people unto the kingdom of immortality, revive the hearts by the fragrances of God and plant the seed of guidance in the field of the souls, by a help from thy Lord, the Merciful, the Clement. 
- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (‘Tablets of ‘Abdu’l-Baha, vol. 1)

February 2

The apostles, who were the disciples of Jesus Christ, were just as other men are; they, like their fellows, were attracted by the things of the world, and each thought only of his own advantage. They knew little of justice, nor were the Divine perfections found in their midst. But when they followed Christ and believed in Him, their ignorance gave place to understanding, cruelty was changed to justice, falsehood to truth, darkness into light. They had been worldly, they became spiritual and divine. They had been children of darkness, they became sons of God, they became saints! Strive therefore to follow in their steps, leaving all worldly things behind, and striving to attain to the Spiritual Kingdom. 
- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (From a talk, November 1, 1911, Paris, France; ‘Paris Talks’)

February 1

Saints are men who have freed themselves from the world of matter and who have overcome sin. They live in the world but are not of it, their thoughts being continually in the world of the spirit. Their lives are spent in holiness, and their deeds show forth love, justice and godliness. They are illumined from on high; they are as bright and shining lamps in the dark places of the earth. These are the saints of God. 
- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (From a talk, November 1, 1911, Paris, France; ‘Paris Talks’)