August 30

Good behaviour and high moral character must come first, for unless the character be trained, acquiring knowledge will only prove injurious.  Knowledge is praiseworthy when it is coupled with ethical conduct and virtuous character; otherwise it is a deadly poison, a frightful danger.  A physician of evil character, and who betrayeth his trust, can bring on death, and become the source of numerous infirmities and diseases. 

- ‘Abdu’l-Bahá  (From a Tablet; compilation: ‘Social Action’, prepared by the Research Department of the Universal House of Justice, August 2020, online Baha’i Reference Library of the Baha’i World Center)

August 28

Make every effort to acquire the advanced knowledge of the day, and strain every nerve to carry forward the divine civilization. 

- ‘Abdu’l-Bahá  (From a Tablet; compilation: ‘Social Action’, prepared by the Research Department of the Universal House of Justice, August 2020, online Baha’i Reference Library of the Baha’i World Center)

August 26

These schools for academic studies must at the same time be training centres in behaviour and conduct, and they must favour character and conduct above the sciences and arts. Good behaviour and high moral character must come first, for unless the character be trained, acquiring knowledge will only prove injurious. Knowledge is praiseworthy when it is coupled with ethical conduct and virtuous character; otherwise it is a deadly poison, a frightful danger. A physician of evil character, and who betrayeth his trust, can bring on death, and become the source of numerous infirmities and diseases.

Devote ye the utmost attention to this matter, for the basic, the foundation-principle of a school is first and foremost moral training, character and the rectification of conduct. 

- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (From a Tablet; The Compilation of Compilation, vol. I, Baha’i Education)

August 24

O ye governments of the world! Be ye pitiful toward mankind! O ye nations of the earth, behold ye the battlefields of slaughter and carnage; [WWI) O ye sages of humanity, investigate sympathetically the conditions of the oppressed; O ye philosophers of the West, study profoundly the causes that led to this gigantic, unparalled struggle; O ye wise leaders of the globe, reflect deeply so that ye may find an antidote for the suppression of this chronic, devastating disease; O ye individuals of humanity, find ye means for the stoppage of this wholesale murder and bloodshed. Now is the appointed time! Now is the opportune time! Arise ye, shew ye an effort, put ye forward an extraordinary power, and unfurl ye the Flag of Universal Peace and dam the irresistible fury of this raging torrent which is wreaking havoc and ruin everywhere!

Although this captive has been in the prison of despotism for forty years, yet he has never been so sad and stricken with regret and grief as in these days. My spirit is aflame and burning; my heart is broken, mournful, heavy and despondent; my eyes are weeping and my soul is on fire. Oh! I am so bowed down and sorrowful.

O people! Weep and cry, lament and bemoan your fate. Then hasten ye, hasten ye, perchance ye may become able to extinguish with the water of the new-born ideals of spiritual democracy and celestial freedom, this many-flamed, world-consuming fire, and through your heaven-inspired resolution you may usher in the Golden Era of International Solidarity and World Confederation. 

- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (From a Tablet; ‘Star of the West’, vol. 5, no. 16, December 12, 1914)

August 22

Concerning thy question whether all the souls enjoy Eternal Life: Know thou, those souls partake of the Eternal Life in whom the Spirit of Life is breathed from the Presence of God; and all beside them are dead, without life—Christ has explained (this matter) in the texts of the Gospel. Any person whose insight is opened by God, sees the souls in their stations after the disintegration of the bodies—Verily, they are living and are subsisting before their Lord!—and sees also the dead souls submerged in the gulfs of mortality. Then know thou, verily, all the souls are created according to the nature of God, and all are in the state of (unconscious) purity at the time of their birth. But afterward they differ from one another in so far as they acquire excellencies or defects. Nevertheless, the creatures have different degrees in existence in so far as the creation goes; for capacities are many, but all of them are good and pure (in their essence); then afterward they are polluted and defiled. Although there are different states of creation, yet all of them are beneficial. Glance thou over the temple of man, its members and its parts: Among them is the eye, the ear, smelling and taste, hands and fingers. Notwithstanding the differences between these organs, all of them are useful in their proper sphere. But if one of them is out of order, there is need of a remedy, and if the medicine does not heal, then the amputation of that member becomes necessary. 

- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (From a Tablet; ‘Star of the West’, vol. 5, no. 19, March 2, 1915)

August 20

All praise be unto God, Who hath created realities that are paired through the mutual encounter of the divine names and attributes, that are comprised of both existence and essence, and that derive their grace from states that are opposite yet compatible and from facing mirrors that form complementary reflections.  “Glory be to Him Who hath created all the pairs, of such things as the earth produceth, and of themselves, and of things beyond their ken”, [Qur’án 36:36] and hath made the human reality to be a wellspring of blessings and a fountainhead of abundant increase in the world of being.  The inner realities of all things proceeded from the encounter of the most excellent names, and the contest of the most exalted attributes.  They married, assembled, gathered, harmonized, united, and attained unto completion and perfection—whereupon, within the essences of the realities derived therefrom, the effulgence of primal oneness shone resplendent.

Within these mysteries lieth an inscrutable wisdom—a wisdom through which God’s laws and ordinances have been revealed in the Sacred Scriptures.  Unto God belongeth supreme authority, irrefutable proofs, all-swaying sovereignty, consummate might, and all-encompassing powers of attraction.

Blessing and praise rest upon that Reality that joineth together the spiritual realities and subtle particulars of the universe—that mighty Bridge, that all-bountiful Link, that Confluence of the two seas and Meeting-Place of the two shores, that Day-Star of the “two Easts” and Light of the “two Wests” [Cf. Qur’án 55:17] —upon that Blessed Tree and its branches, its leaves, its blossoms, and its fruits, and upon all those who have sought shelter within its shade and taken refuge beneath its outspread boughs.

August 18

Praise be unto Him Who, through His effulgent grace, created the Primal Origin of existence and made It the centre of the seat of glory.  From this human Temple, He hath caused to emanate all the tribes, kindreds, and nations of the earth.  Whereupon He created all things—whether plants or animals or intelligent and rational beings—in joyous, connected pairs, in order that they might flourish, multiply, and worship their Lord with radiant devotion, treading the path of guidance with heart and soul.  Amongst the believers, He hath ordained this binding covenant to be a sign of Divine Unity and the highest means for attaining physical and spiritual union.  He hath matched His servants and chosen ones with luminous maidservants and heavenly leaves….  He hath bound together their hearts and made them even as a single soul, that they may, at all times and under all conditions, live in harmony, affection, unity, and concord. 

- ‘Abdu’l-Bahá  (From a Tablet; compilation: ‘To Set the World in Order: Building and Preserving Strong Marriages’, prepared by the Research Department of the Universal House of Justice, August 2023)

August 16

I swear by the God beside Whom there is no other God, were any one to amputate any of my limbs, I would pardon him before he had committed the crime; but I can never say that an invalid is robust and healthy, for I wish his recovery, and this is extreme kindness not enmity.

Therefore, if the believers of God wish to be kind to a soul, they should desire his well-being and try to advise him, so that the kind physician may prescribe a remedy and thus secure his recovery. 

- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (From a Tablet; Star of the West, vol. 5, no. 10, September 27, 1914)

August 14

While travelling in Europe and America I met altruistic and sanctified souls who were my confidants and associates concerning the question of Universal Peace and who agreed with me and joined their voices with mine regarding the principle of the Oneness of the World of Humanity; but alas, they were very few! The leaders of public opinion and the great statesmen believed that the massing of huge armies and the annual increase of military forces insured peace and friendship among nations. At that time I explained that this theory was based on a false conception; for it is an inevitable certainty that these serried ranks and disciplined armies will be rushed one day into the heat of the battlefield and these inflammable materials will unquestionably be exploded and the explosion will be through one tiny spark; then a world conflagration will be witnessed, the lurid flames of which shall redden all the horizons. Because the sphere of their thoughts was contracted and their intellectual eyes blind they could not acknowledge the above explanation. 

- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (From a Tablet; ‘Star of the West’, vol. 5, no. 16, December 12, 1914)

August 12

Make ye inquiries as to a woman teacher. She must be extremely modest, even-tempered, forbearing, and well bred, and she must be expert in the English language. 

- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (From a Tablet; The Compilation of Compilation, vol. I, Baha’i Education)

August 10

O thou handmaid of God! Do thou establish a heavenly school and be thou a teacher in that house of learning. Educate the children in the things of God; and, even as pearls, rear them in the heart of the shell of divine guidance. Strive thou with heart and soul; see to it that the children are raised up to embody the highest perfections of humankind, to such a degree that every one of them will be trained in the use of the mind, in acquiring knowledge, in humility and lowliness, in dignity, in ardour and love. 

- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (From a Tablet; The Compilation of Compilation, vol. I, Baha’i Education)

August 8

O thou beloved divine maid-servant! The letter, dated May 26th of the present year, was received, but on account of the weakened condition of ‘Abdu’l-Baha the answer was delayed. Now, as through the help and favor of God, health is secured, I therefore write the answer, so that thou mayest perceive that thou art not forgotten. I ever remember thee and beg for thee from the Kingdom of Abha everlasting help and bounty.

I hope thou art of those who are firm in the Covenant and that thou wilt call the people unto the Testament. The Blessed Beauty has established this Covenant so that all (the Baha’is) may know that whatsoever things proceed from the Pen of the Covenant (‘Abdu’l-Baha) are based upon infinite wisdom. They should not hurry, for it (wisdom) will become apparent and evident later on.

‘Abdu’l-Baha has ever been a concealer of defects and still is a coverer of sins and will not attempt to publish the short-comings and the faults of any soul, but will rather keep them secret. Therefore, to some the situation seems ambiguous, for they are ignorant of the reality of the subject. 

- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (From a Tablet; Star of the West, vol. 5, no. 10, September 27, 1914)

August 6

In short, before all the meetings in the West I cried out: "O ye thinkers of the world! O ye philosophers of the Occident! O ye scholars and sages of the earth! A threatening black cloud overshadows, which ere long shall envelop the horizon of humanity; an impetuous tempest is ahead, which shall shatter to splinters the ships of the lives of mankind, and a turbulent, furious torrent shall soon drown the countries and nations of Europe. Awaken ye! Awaken ye! Become ye mindful! Become ye mindful! Thus in the spirit of co-operation we may all arise with the utmost magnanimity and through the Favor and Providence of God hold aloft the flag of the Oneness of Humanity, promote the essentials of Universal Peace and deliver the inhabitants of the world from this Most Great Danger!" 

- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (From a Tablet; ‘Star of the West’, vol. 5, no. 16, December 12, 1914)

August 4

War saps the foundation of humanity; killing is an unpardonable crime against God, for man is an edifice built by the Hand of the Almighty. Peace is life incarnate; war is death personified. Peace is the divine spirit; war is satanic suggestion. Peace is the light of the world; war is stygian darkness and cimmerian gloom. 

- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (From a Tablet; ‘Star of the West’, vol. 5, no. 16, December 12, 1914)

August 2

Today, if the soul—who is attracted with the Love of God and burning with the flame of enthusiasm—shall unloose his tongue and deliver his speech in the utmost state of attraction, it will undoubtedly produce the most wonderful effect upon the hearts. With a resonant voice, he must cry out:

O people! O people! The Sun of Reality has dawned from the horizon of the world, casting Effulgence upon the East and the West …

O thou world of humanity! Awake! Awake!

O thou negligent of the Kingdom of God! Revive! Revive!

O thou prisoner of nature! Liberate thyself! Liberate thyself!

O thou afflicted with antiquated dogmas! Get clear of superannuated imaginations! Free thyself of this inertia!

O thou deprived of heavenly bestowals! Acquire a share! Acquire a share!

O thou heedless of the Divine World! Be informed! Be informed!

Cry at the top of your voices similar utterances in those meetings before the concourse of humanity. The effect of your words will be conditioned upon the degree of your attraction and exultation. Then you will observe what an effect this will have. 

- ‘Abdu’l-Baha Abbas  (From a Tablet; ‘Star of the West’, vol. 5, no. 17, January 19, 1915)