April 30

O beloved friends of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá! No sooner had the Hand of divine power raised the tabernacle of everlasting glory—the tabernacle of the oneness of humanity—in the midmost heart of the world, than He opened wide the portals of supreme mercy before us all, addressed us in hallowed accents in the Hidden Words, honoured us with the title of “O My servants”, associated us with His own Self, and freed us from distress and fear. He spread wide the banquet table of bounty and issued a universal invitation. He prepared for us all manner of heavenly food and bestowed upon us divine favours and heavenly gifts. He delivered us from every heavy load and relieved us from every grievous burden. He enjoined upon us only laws, ordinances, and teachings that bestow life to the soul and cause it to draw nigh unto the Best-Beloved.

His laws all grant liberation rather than restriction; they confer freedom rather than limitation; they impart joy and radiance rather than constraint. 

- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (From a Tablet; ‘Light of the World’)

April 28

O Friends of God! Now is the time for joy and gladness, for acquiring the characteristics of the All-Merciful. This transitory world is passing even as a fleeting shadow, and the days of life are speeding by. When finally we hasten from this world to the next, we should do so with a candle in our hand, a brightness in our countenance, and a   spirit in our heart. Observe thou how the exterior is the sign of the interior. All tombs and sepulchres, even of the world’s most celebrated monarchs, are dark and gloomy, whereas the holy resting-places of the chosen ones of the All-Merciful are radiant and luminous. Let us then exert ourselves with heart and soul, and lift up our voices in a gladsome chorus, that we may become acceptable at the Threshold of Oneness; be made alive by the fragrant breaths of holiness; detach ourselves from whatsoever is of the world; become devoted servants at the threshold of Him Who is the Ever-Living, the Self-Subsisting; be made recipients of His infinite bounty, and attain to everlasting   life. Upon thee be salutation and praise.   

- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (From a Tablet; ‘Additional Tablets, Extracts and Talks’; Online Baha’i Reference Library, Baha’i World Centre)

April 26

O thou maid-servant of God! Surely, if some holy souls appear and arise to befittingly carry out the commandments and precepts of God, and be engaged in His service, they will verily become centres of light; an illuminating ray will extend from their hearts to all regions and the continent will become radiant.

Surely, all must today be called to love, to unity and to kindness; to integrity, to friendship, to fellowship, and to divine worship. I hope that thou and thy dear husband may continue to serve in all spirit and fragrance and that in this world ye may remain two radiant candles and from the eternal horizon ye may glisten like unto two shining stars.  

- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (From a Tablet; ‘Additional Tablets, Extracts and Talks’; Online Baha’i Reference Library, Baha’i World Centre)

April 24

O thou dear maid-servant of God! The souls who bear the tests of God become the manifestations of great bounties; for the divine trials cause some souls to become entirely lifeless, while they cause the holy souls to ascend to the highest degree of love and solidity. They cause progress and they also cause retrogression. 

- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (From a Tablet; ‘Additional Tablets, Extracts and Talks’; Online Baha’i Reference Library, Baha’i World Centre)

April 22

For eleven years and somewhat over, Bahá’u’lláh abode in ‘Iráq-i-‘Arab. The behavior and conduct of the sect were such that [His] fame and renown increased. For He was manifest and apparent amongst men, consorted and associated with all parties, and would converse familiarly with doctors and scholars concerning the solution of difficult theological questions and the verification of the true sense of abstruse points of divinity. As is currently reported by persons of every class, He used to please all, whether inhabitants or visitors, by His kindly intercourse and courteous address… 

- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (‘A Traveler’s Narrative’)

April 20

The Báb announced that the greater Manifestation would take place after Him and called the Promised One "Him Whom God shall make manifest," saying that nine years later the reality of His own mission would become apparent. In His writings He stated that in the ninth year this expected One would be known; in the ninth year they would attain to all glory and felicity; in the ninth year they would advance rapidly. Between Bahá'u'lláh and the Báb there was communication privately. The Báb wrote a letter containing three hundred and sixty derivatives of the root Baha. The Báb was martyred in Tabriz; and Bahá'u'lláh, exiled into Iraq in 1852, announced Himself in Baghdad. For the Persian government had decided that as long as He remained in Persia the peace of the country would be disturbed; therefore, He was exiled in the expectation that Persia would become quiet. His banishment, however, produced the opposite effect. New tumult arose, and the mention of His greatness and influence spread everywhere throughout the country. The proclamation of His manifestation and mission was made in Baghdad. He called His friends together there and spoke to them of God. 

- 'Abdu'l-Baha  ((From a talk by ‘Abdu’l-Baha, 18 April 1912, New York; ‘The Promulgation of Universal Peace: Talks Delivered by 'Abdu'l-Bahá during His Visit to the United States and Canada in 1912’)

April 18

Be comforted, and rest assured that day and night I shall turn to the Kingdom of Abhá in supplication for you, that day by day you may grow better and holier, nearer to God, and more and more illumined by the radiance of His Love. 

- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (From a talk; ‘Paris Talks: Addresses given by ‘Abdu’l-Bahá in Paris in 1911-1912’)

April 16

It is my hope that you may prove yourselves to be the first servants of the realm of humanity, and the builders of the edifice of Divine Justice. That you may radiate the light of the Love of God to such an extent as to be able to remove entirely the gloom and darkness of hatred, bigotry and enmity from among humanity. Know all mankind of all nations, sects and tribes as your kith and kin. Consider not their deeds, but only God. Seek your reward from Him and not from them. Know the aged of all nations as your fathers, the juveniles as your brothers and the children as your own. No matter what lack of courtesy or what severe persecution or stern expressions of hate and unfathomable enmity you receive, you must have no excuse like the following: "So and so has spoken unkindly about me," "So and so has not done me justice,"—nay, rather you must have no excuse but live according to the Divine Teachings, whether humanity prove agreeable or disagreeable, whether humanity prove hateful or loving, whether it receives you or casts you out, so that perchance you may be assisted in hoisting the standard of peace and pitching the Tabernacle of Oneness and solidarity of the world of humanity—so that this temporal life may ultimate in the Life Everlasting, and this darkness of ignorance which has pervaded the whole world may be converted into the illumination of guidance. So that material man may become celestial, and the earthly souls become the heavenly souls; that the blind may become perceptive, the deaf attentive, the ignorant wise, the dead arise, so that, in fact, the Kingdom of God in the world of humanity may pitch its Canopy and its Tabernacle in the utmost glory. 

- Abdu’l-Baha  (From a Tablet, Star of the West, vol. 5, no. 9, August 20, 1914)

April 14

O thou faithful and confident! Thanks be to God that thou hast obtained that which was sought by all prophets and holy souls; namely, the knowledge of God and the love of god. First, the knowledge; and, second, His unfathomable love. Also the different members of thy family, who followed thee and who obtained that which thou didst obtain.

This is a great gift from God and hath no equal; although in this physical world its greatness is not perceivable, nor its nature clearly known, yet in the spiritual world it shineth like the sun. So long as the pearl remaineth hidden at the bottom of the sea, its value is not known nor its brilliancy and fineness seen, it is only when in the hands of the expert jeweler that its great beauty becomes revealed.

Thou shouldst be at the utmost height of joy and satisfaction, for thou art surrounded by the bounties of the Merciful and hast become the object of the appearance of divine guidance. In order to give thanks for this great and glorious gift, thou shouldst do all thou canst to guide His creatures, to give sight to the blind, hearing to the deaf, life to the dead, and endeavor to turn those who are still attached to material things in the way which leads to spiritual heights; to help them to travel in the way of the Kingdom and to walk in the path that leads to the King of Kings. 

- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (‘Tablets of ‘Abdu’l-Baha, vol. 2)

April 12

All the people of the world today are workmen of destruction or ruin. Everyone as though with an axe is striking at the root of the foundation of humanity. They hold in their hands great implements of warfare and destruction. Among the greatest is the axe of religious prejudices or sectarian bias, as well as that of racial bias; another implement of destruction is the axe of patriotic bias; another is the axe of political warfare; another implement of ruin is the persistent accumulation of commercial benefit or profit; another, the love of conquest of new domains, as is also the enmity, hatred and bigotry among the nations and tribes. These souls are entirely inadvertent to the relations of the Kingdom of God, deprived of the relations of unity, and despaired of the life eternal. Although outwardly they may be extremely civilized, nevertheless they live in darkness.

Now, God has chosen you from among mankind, and has guided you to the Kingdom, has enlightened your hearts with the love of God, so that you may be the cause of guidance to these people, in order that you may become a cause of guidance to the world of humanity. He has appointed you as the builders of the edifice of true manhood. Consider with what a power of morals you must arise in order to withstand all vicissitudes. All these people, all these promoters as workers of warfare and ruin are spreading the deeds of hatred among nations. Now, consider with what a peace and concord you must go forth in order that you may be capable of overcoming the antagonistic forces. 

- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (From a Tablet, Star of the West, vol. 5, no. 9, August 20, 1914)

April 10

The call of the Kingdom is heard in your midst. Glory be to God, you have been born again, you have been baptized by the fire of the Love of God; you have been plunged in the Sea of Life and regenerated by the Spirit of Love!

Having received such favour be thankful unto God, and never doubt His Goodness and Loving Kindness but have undying faith in the Bounties of the Kingdom. Consort together in brotherly love, be ready to lay down your lives one for the other, and not only for those who are dear to you, but for all humanity. Look upon the whole human race as members of one family, all children of God; and, in so doing, you will see no difference between them. 

- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (From a talk; ‘Paris Talks: Addresses given by ‘Abdu’l-Bahá in Paris in 1911-1912’)

April 8

Fifty years ago whosoever talked about Universal Peace was not only ridiculed but called a visionary and utopian. Now—praise be to God! — that at this time it has assumed such importance that everyone acknowledges that this question of Universal Peace is the light and spirit of this age. But they state that the pathway to this much desired goal is obstructed by a number of not clearly defined stumbling blocks, which, however, can be removed by intelligently and persistently educating public opinion.

I hope the noble leaders of the world of humanity who are the divine bestowals among the people, and the means of pacification among the nations, will arise with the utmost of effort and whole-hearted resolution to extinguish this world-raging conflagration, especially now that the blood of innocent people is freely shed in the Balkan States, the lamentations and moanings of the orphans are reaching to the very gate of heaven, and the disconsolate cries and harrowing agonies of the mothers penetrate our souls with the irresistible force of human tragedy. Thus through the endeavors of these guardians of the rights of mankind the world of creation may enjoy the repose of conciliation, the banner of Universal Peace be unfurled, the tabernacle of the oneness of the world of humanity be pitched, all mankind be gathered under its protecting shade, and the shining star of the eternal felicity and happiness of the world of humanity may dawn with the utmost of brilliancy from the horizon of international comity, and the luminous orb of the spiritual brotherhood of all races and tongues may illumine that united gathering of humanity with the ineffable lights of God throughout countless ages and cycles. 

- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (From a Tablet, Star of the West, vol. 5, no. 8, August 1, 1914)

April 6

… O ye friends and maid-servants of the Merciful! It is easy to advance toward the Kingdom, but it is difficult to remain firm and steadfast. Therefore, endeavor ye as much as ye can to make your faith firm like unto a well-rooted tree and produce blossoms and fruits. Neither be ye agitated on account of the blowing winds of tests and trials. The firmer the roots of the tree the greater its blossoms and fruits. Because the Apostles of Christ remained firm and steadfast they became assisted in the most great services and the confirmations of the Holy Spirit descended upon them uninterruptedly.

If ye seek the illumination of the Kingdom ye must arise with infinite resolution. Be ye not discouraged or lukewarm on account of troubles and vicissitudes. Show ye an effort so that that region may be illumined, the Kingdom of God may raise its tents and the breaths of the Holy Spirit may quicken the souls. 

- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (From a Tablet, Star of the West, vol. 5, no. 7, July 13, 1914)

April 4

O maid-servant of God! Verily, the Lord of Hosts calleth thee from the absence of existence (or non-existence) and sayeth:

“Come, O My maid-servant, to My Kingdom!

Come, O My attracted one, unto My Great Paradise!

Come, O My maid-servant, unto My Sublime Heaven!

Come, O My attracted one, unto the place of My Glorious Throne.”

Therefore turn, with a heart throbbing and tears flowing, unto the Beauty of Abha, so that thou obtaineth the great favor and drinketh from that wine, and tasteth the fruits of the Paradise of Abha. 

- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (‘Tablets of ‘Abdu’l-Baha, vol. 2)

April 2

Humanity may be likened to a tree. This tree has branches, leaves, buds and fruit. Think of all men as being flowers, leaves or buds of this tree, and try to help each and all to realize and enjoy God’s blessings. God neglects none: He loves all.

The only real difference that exists between people is that they are at various stages of development. Some are imperfect—these must be brought to perfection. Some are asleep—they must be awakened; some are negligent—they must be roused; but one and all are the children of God. Love them all with your whole heart; no one is a stranger to the other, all are friends. 

- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (From a talk; ‘Paris Talks: Addresses given by ‘Abdu’l-Bahá in Paris in 1911-1912’)