It is my hope that through the favour and grace of the Abhá
Beauty, thou wilt fully recover thy health, and engage in serving the Cause
with all thy might. I am aware that thou art much afflicted, and in extreme
distress; but if we taste a drop from affliction’s cup, the Blessed Beauty
drank down a sea of anguish, and once we call this to mind, then every hardship
turneth into peaceful rest, and toil into merciful bliss. Then will a draught
of agony be but refreshing wine, and the tyrant’s wound only a friend’s most
gentle balm. Greetings be unto thee, and praise.”
- ‘Abdu’l-Baha (From a Tablet,
‘Additional Tablets, Extracts and Talks”; online Baha’i Reference Library,
Baha’i World Centre)