May 2

…when ye behold the order and regularity of countries, cities, and villages, the attractive adornment, the delicacy of the blessings, the suitability of implements, the ease of transportation and traveling, the extension of knowledge of the facts of the world of nature, the great inventions and gigantic undertakings and the fine and artistic discoveries, ye shall say that civilization is the cause of happiness and the development of the human world.

Yet again, when ye glance over the inventions of infernal instruments of destruction, the creation of the forces of ruin, the discovery of fiery means which cut at the root of life, it becomes plainly evident that civilization is twin with savagery and a concomitant thereof, unless material civilization be aided by divine guidance, merciful appearance, heavenly thoughts, and become joined to the spiritual states, the perfections of the kingdom (of God) and the divine bounties. 
- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (From a Tablet, Star of the West, vol. 6, no. 9, August 20, 1915)