May 10

If an opponent object, saying: The nations, peoples, tribes and sects of the world have different ethics, morals, conducts, tastes and temperaments and their thoughts and opinions vary, how then can real unity become realized or absolute accord among humanity be established? We will say that difference (or disagreement) is of two kinds: One sort is the cause of annihilation and that is like the disagreement of warring nations and fighting tribes who destroy one another, ruin homes and cause comfort and peace to depart, exhibiting ferocity and blood thirstiness. The other difference (or disagreement) is an expression of variety that is itself perfection, and the means of manifesting the graces of the All-Glorious.

Look at the flowers of the gardens. Although members of different families, having various colors, different forms and shapes, yet because they absorb the selfsame water and grow and thrive by the same breeze and are reared by the same heat and light of the one sun, this difference and variety produces greater beauty and grace and each appears more beautiful by contrast with the other. 
- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (From a Tablet, Star of the West, vol. 6, no. 9, August 20, 1915)