When the Beloved of all mankind ascended to the Kingdom of
Splendors, Mírzá Muhammad-Qulí [Baha’u’llah’s faithful half-brother] remained
firm in the Covenant, shunning the craft, the malice and hypocrisy which then
appeared, devoting himself entirely to God, supplicating and praying. To those
who would listen he gave wise advice; and he called to mind the days of the
Blessed Beauty and grieved over the fact that he himself lived on. After the
departure of Bahá’u’lláh, he did not draw an easeful breath; he kept company
with no one, but stayed by himself most of the time, alone in his small refuge,
burning with the fires of separation. Day by day he grew feebler, more
helpless, until at the last he soared away to the world of God. Upon him be
peace; upon him be praise and mercy, in the gardens of Heaven. His luminous
grave is in Naqíb, by Tiberias.
- ‘Abdu’l-Baha (From a talk; ‘Memorials of the