…be rejoiced at the glad-tidings of thy Lord and trust in
His great gifts, the lights of which have shone forth upon the horizons of
hearts and souls, and trust in the assistance of thy Master, and ask what thou
wishest of the gifts of thy Lord, the Unconstrained! Draw nigh unto Him with a
pure heart, cheerful face, gazing eye and a joyful spirit and plunge with thy
whole being into the sea of the love of God and forget all else save Him, so
that thou mayest be filled with such spiritual sentiments from the kingdom of
God, which will take the reins of desire from thy hands and move thee with the
power of thy Lord, just as the wind moveth a mote in the open air as it
- ‘Abdu’l-Baha (‘Tablets of ‘Abdu’l-Baha, vol. 1’)