August 22

God has created us to be loving and compassionate toward each other and not draw the sword before each other’s face… God has given to us eyes so that we may look upon each other with the eyes of the Love of God. He has granted us hearts so that we may become attached to each other and not show enmity and rancour.

Consider how God has been good to man! He has given him understanding, intelligence and sentiment so that he may exert these divine faculties in the path of love and not in the way of harm. We must supplicate God that He may confirm and assist us to become the embodiment of the perfections of man; not to extinguish the torch lighted by the Hand of Majesty; not to stop the downpouring of the Rain of Mercy; not to cut His green and verdant trees; not to prevent the descent of heavenly blessings, but to become confirmed in such wise as to adorn the realm of humanity, to illumine the East and the West, to create means of the interdependence of man, to destroy the basis of war and to become the cause of the affiliation of the hearts. 
- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (From a talk, November 24, 1911, Paris, France; Star of the West, vol. 2, no. 18, February 7, 1912)