O thou who rejoicest in the glad-tidings of God! In every age and century, the Dayspring of the world is made manifest, shining with a particular splendour and revealed through a mighty sign. In the time of the Friend of God, [Abraham] the horizon of existence was illumined with the lights of friendship. During the era of Him Who conversed with God, [Moses] the dawning-place of creation was brightened by the Light that glowed upon Sinai. In the days of the Spirit of God, [Jesus] the realm of being was perfumed by the sweet savours of holiness. With the dawning of the Day-Star of Medina, [Muhammad] the horizon of the world was flooded with the light of love and grandeur. When the veil of concealment was rent asunder from the beauty of the Primal Point, the Morn of divine guidance was adorned with the resplendent rays of the most joyful tidings. And with this Most Great Revelation and the dawning of the Day-Star of the Ancient Beauty, the horizons of the world have been encompassed, blessed, and made evident and complete by all the divine bounties, effulgences, names, and attributes combined. For the Most Great Ocean possesseth and embraceth all the perfections that are to be found in every sea, gulf, river, spring, and stream.
- ‘Abdu’l-Baha (From a Tablet; ‘Light of the World’)