October 1

O thou bearer of the Great-tidings of the Kingdom of God! Thy letter… was received. It contained the good news of the assemblage of the beloved ones, of the Meeting of Faithfulness which was held, the joy and fragrance obtained, the appearance of the lights of the love of the Beauty of Abha, and the good news that the breasts of the beloved ones were dilated (with joy). This news caused such joy that our afflictions, sufferings and calamities were wholly forgotten, a new carpet was spread and a great joy attained with the utmost exaltation! For Abdul-Baha serves with all devotion in order that union and affection may be created among the beloved of God; nay, in the whole of the human world.

My utmost hope and wish is to find that an assemblage hath been arranged which hath become the cause of love and affection in the world of humanity which announceth the glad-tidings of the Kingdom of Abha, diffuseth the fragrances of the love of God, setteth the pillars of the world in motion through the power of divine guidance, and is quickening the dead through the spirit of divine knowledge!

O dear friend! The darkness of error hath encompassed the world; it is now the time to spread the light of guidance. The world hath wholly become the tomb of the dead; it is now time that it shall be transformed into palaces of the living. The East and the West have become a thorny desert of oppression; it is time they should become a rose-garden of faithfulness. 

- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  ('Tablets of ‘Abdu’l-Baha, vol. 2')