May 10

God has stated in the Bible, the Old Testament, "We have created man in our own image and likeness" This statement indicates the fact that man in some particular is of the image and likeness of God; that is to say, the Perfections of God, the Divine Virtues, have become reflected or revealed in the human reality. Just as the effulgent and the light of the sun, when cast upon a mirror, is reflected fully, gloriously, if the mirror be polished, so likewise the virtues of Divinity are possible of reflection in the human reality. And this makes it evident that man is the most noble of God's creatures…

This man who has been called the image and likeness of God: Let us find out just where and how he is the image and likeness of the Lord, and what is the standard or criterion whereby he can be measured. The criterion or the standard can be no other than the Divine virtues within men, which are Divine and after His image. Therefore every man who is imbued with the Divine qualities, who reveals the heavenly perfections and heavenly morals, who is an expression of the praiseworthy attributes, ideal in nature, is verily an image and likeness of God. 

- ‘Abu’l-Baha  (From a talk; ‘Star of the West, vol. 3, no. 4, May 17, 1912’)