April 24

God, the Maker of the worlds, hath created the realm of humanity to be the Paradise of Eden (or the Garden of Paradise) if the edifice of Peace, Reconciliation, Love, and Faithfulness is founded on a solid and firm basis; nay, rather, He bath willed it to become the mirror, reflecting the Delectable Paradise. Then, and not until then, will all the divine bounties become manifold; happiness and wellbeing infinite; the virtues of the world of humanity revealed and resplendent; and the rays of the Sun of Reality visible from every direction.

Consider that his holiness Adam and others were living in Paradise. But as soon as strife became known between Him and Satan, everyone was driven away from Eden, so that the children of humanity might learn a lesson and realize that quarrels and strife, even though with Satan, are conducive to deprivation.

Therefore, in this radiant century, according to the heavenly teachings, altercation and dispute are not allowable, even though assailed by Satan himself. 

- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (Star of the West, vol. 4, no. 1, March 21, 1913)