Obligatory prayer and supplication cause man to reach the
kingdom of mystery, and the worship of the Supreme One. They bestow nearness
unto His threshold. There is a pleasure in offering prayers that transcendeth
all other pleasures, and there is a sweetness in chanting and singing the
verses of God which is the greatest desire of all the believers, men and women
alike. While reciting the Obligatory Prayer, one converseth intimately and
shareth secrets with the true Beloved. No pleasure is greater than this, if one
proceedeth with a detached soul, with tears overflowing, with a trusting heart
and an eager spirit. Every joy is earthly save this one, the sweetness of which
is divine.
- ‘Abdu’l-Baha (Compilation ‘The Importance of Obligatory Prayer and
Fasting’, prepared by the Research Department of the Universal House of