" ... If the races do not come to an agreement, there
can be no question or doubt of bloodshed. When I was in America, I told the
white and colored people that it was incumbent upon them to be united or else
there would be the shedding of blood. I did not say more than this that they
might not be saddened. But, indeed, there is a greater danger than only the
shedding of blood. It is the destruction of America. Because aside from the
racial prejudice there is another agitating factor. It is that of America's
enemies. These enemies are agitating both sides, that is, they are stirring up
the white race against the colored race and the colored race against the white
race. But of this the Americans are submerged in the sea of ignorance. They
will regret it. But of what use will their regret be after the destruction of
America? Will it be of any use then?"
- 'Abdu'l-Baha (Words of ‘Abdu’l-Baha quoted by Zia
Baghdadi in a letter; Star of the West, vol, 12, no. 6, June 24, 1921;
compilation: ‘Pupil of the Eye’)