…since the dawning of this Day-Star was in Persia, and since
from that orient the sun shone upon the west, it is our fondest hope that the
flames of love’s fire should blaze ever more vehemently in that land, and that
there the splendour of this Holy Faith should grow ever more intense. May the
tumult of God’s Cause so shake that land to its foundations, may the spiritual
force of His Word so manifest itself, as to make Írán the core and focus of
well-being and peace. May rectitude and conciliation, and love and trust,
issuing forth from Írán, bring immortality to all on earth. May she raise on
the highest summits the banner of public order, of purest spirituality, of
universal peace.
- ‘Abdu’l-Baha (‘Selections from the Writings of ‘Abdu’l-Baha)