July 25

The Jews were expecting the appearance of the Messiah, looking forward to it with heart and soul. But because they were submerged in imitation, they did not believe in His Holiness Jesus Christ when He appeared, and finally arose against Him, even to the point of persecution. Had they investigated Reality, they would have accepted their promised Messiah. These blind imitations fill the world with darkness, cause warfare and become the cause of rancor and hatred. Therefore, we must investigate Realty in order to extricate ourselves from all these conditions. Thus may our faces become illumined and may we find the pathway to the Kingdom of God. 
- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (From a talk, June 9, 1912, Baptist Temple, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA; Star of the West, vol. 5, no. 7, July 13, 1914)