July 10

I hope the noble leaders of the world of humanity who are the divine bestowals among the people, and the means of pacification among the nations, will arise with the utmost of effort and whole hearted resolution to extinguish this world raging conflagration… Thus through the endeavors of these guardians of the rights of mankind the world of creation may enjoy the repose of conciliation, the banner of Universal Peace be unfurled, the tabernacle of the oneness of the world of humanity be pitched, all mankind be gathered under its protecting shade, and the shining star of the eternal falcon and happiness of the world of humanity may dawn with the utmost of brilliancy from the horizon of international comity, and the luminous orb of the spiritual brotherhood of all races and tongues may illumine that united gathering of humanity with the ineffable lights of God throughout countless ages and cycles. 
- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (From a Tablet to the Editor of the Christian Commonwealth, London, England, 1913; ‘Star of the West’, vol. 5, no. 8, August 1, 1914)