April 4

The children of Israel were in captivity in the land of Egypt. Being subject to the tyranny and oppression of the Egyptians, they were in the utmost state of degradation and slavery. The Egyptians were so antagonistic towards the Israelites that they were assigned the most arduous and servile tasks.

The children of Israel were in abject poverty, abasement, ignorance and barbarism when Moses appeared among them. Outwardly Moses was no other than a shepherd but through the power of religion He exhibited extraordinary grandeur and efficacy. His prophethood was spread throughout the land and His law became renowned throughout all regions. 
- 'Abdu'l-Baha  (Words of ‘Abdu’l-Baha, From a talk at San Francisco’s Jewish Temple, October 12, 1912, San Francisco, USA, recorded by Mahmud Zarqani; ‘Mahmud’s Diary’) 
(To see the entire talk please visit Talks of ‘Abdu’l-Baha)