December 29

O thou who art tested with a great calamity!

Be not grieved nor troubled because of the loss which hath befallen thee -- a loss which caused the tears to flow, sighs to be produced, sorrow to exist and hearts to burn in great agony; but know, this hath reference only to the physical body, and if thou considerest this matter with a discerning and intelligent eye, thou wilt find that it hath no power whatsoever, for separation belongeth to the characteristics of the body. But concerning the spirit, know that thy pure son shall be with thee in the Kingdom of God and thou shalt witness his smiling face, illumined brow, handsome spirit and real happiness. Accordingly, thou wilt then be comforted and thank God for His favor upon thee. 
- 'Abdu’l-Baha  (‘Tablets of ‘Abdu’l-Baha, vol. 1)