August 28

Bahá’u’lláh was passing the summer in the village of Afchih situated one stage from Tihrán. When this news [1] was spread abroad and punishment began, everyone who was able hid himself in some retreat or fled the country. Amongst these Mírzá Yahyá, the brother of Bahá’u’lláh, concealed himself, and, a bewildered fugitive, in the guise of a dervish, with kashkúl in hand, wandered in mountains and plains on the road to Rasht. But Bahá’u’lláh rode forth with perfect composure and calmness from Afchih, and came to Níyávarán, which was the abode of the Royal Train and the station of the imperial camp. Immediately on His arrival He was placed under arrest, and a whole regiment guarded Him closely. After several days of interrogation they sent Him in chains and fetters from Shimírán to the jail of Tihrán. And this harshness and punishment was due to the immoderate importunity of Hájí ‘Alí Khán, the Hajíbu’d-Dawlih, [2] nor did there seem any hope of deliverance, until His Majesty the King, moved by his own kindly spirit, commanded circumspection, and ordered this occurrence to be investigated and examined particularly and generally by means of the ministers of the imperial court. 
- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (‘A Traveler’s Narrative’)
[1] The attempted assassination of the sovereign
[2] He devised hideous tortures for the Babis and is described by Browne as “infamous monster”. (Marzieh Gail, ‘Baha’i Glossary’)