September 1

One of the most severe of the world's diseases is that of contention and strife the fire of which is burning among all nations and cannot be removed except through the Word of God. As this intense fire can only be quenched by the heavenly water therefore the faithful followers of God must be as the banner of peace and as the most luminous sun of harmony and union. In the days of Moses the people pitched the tent of martyrdom. And in the time of Jesus Christ they established the greatest church. But in this time the believers in God must raise the tent of peace, union and concord. I hope that through the providence of God the brilliancy of love will light all the horizons. (‘Abdu’l-Baha, from a table talk; excerpt from the transcript of a talk given by William Copeland Dodge relating the account of his pilgrimage to ‘Akka in 1901) (To listen to and read the entire talk please visit Baha’i Talks,Messages and Articles)