July 27

In the Hebrew Torah, it is recorded that from Noah's flood until the birth of Abraham there was an interval of two hundred and ninety-two years. In the Greek, that time span is given as one thousand and seventy-two years, while the Samaritan, the recorded span is nine hundred and forty-two years. Refer to the commentary by Henry Westcott for tables are supplied therein which show the discrepancies among the three Torahs as to the birthdates of a number of the descendants of Shem, and thou wilt see how greatly the versions differ from one another. (‘Abdu’l-Baha, ‘Tablet of Wisdom questions and answers’, translated by Baha’i World Centre, published in ‘Ethel Jenner Rosenberg, the Life and Times of England's Outstanding Bahá'í Pioneer Worker’, by Robert Weinberg)