The Sun of Truth bath shone forth from the Horizon of Unity
upon all the regions. All contingent things are clad with the garment of
existence through the rays of the sun. Were it not for the rays of the sun no
being could step forth upon time arena of life. Everything would have remained
hidden; nay rather, the life of the terrestrial beings is continued through the
light and heat of the sun to such an extent that all the infinitesimal atoms,
which move through this realm of earth owe their life to the reflection of the
sun. Of course, each being manifests its inward tendencies according to its
ability and capacity. However, no matter how much the sun reflects itself
through all the contingent beings, yet it never leaves its supreme height and
exalted station.
It (the Divine Sun) is not divided among these beings, so
that every being may become a pair and a portion of Divinity. Decent, division,
transmission md transmigration in the stations of life are the conditions of
the contingent beings, but the Eternal Reality is wholly beyond and above these
conditions; for when you behold that a being is subject to division, descent
and disintegration, this is a proof of the contingency and impermanency of that
being. The Ancient, the Ever-living, and the Omniscient Lord, who is above the
comprehension of humanity and is qualified with self-existent perfections, will
never descend to the stations of life, and will not be divided so that every
man may become an atom or a part of Him.
- ‘Abdu’l-Baha (From a Tablet to
Thornton Chase; Star of the West, vol. 2, nos. 7 & 8, August 1, 1911)