…the Ancient Beauty—may my soul be a sacrifice to His
beloved—endured all difficulty and ordeals for the purpose of uniting the
hearts of the beloved of God; that they might be exhilarated through the wine
of unity and proclaim with one voice:
Hasten to love, to love, O peoples of the world!
Hasten to harmony, to harmony, O creatures of the universe!
Hasten to peace, to peace, O mankind!
Hasten to safety, to safety, O concourse of the Divine!
Hasten to concord, to concord, O hosts of the Merciful!
Hasten to oneness, to oneness, O people of El-Baha, among
the people!
- ‘Abdu’l-Baha (‘Tablets of ‘Abdu’l-Baha, vol. 2’)