Sháh-Muḥammad, who had the title of Amín, the Trusted One, was among the earliest of believers, and most deeply
enamored. He had listened to the Divine summons in the flower of his youth, and
set his face toward the Kingdom. He had ripped from his gaze the veils of idle
suppositions and had won his heart’s desire; neither the fancies current among
the people nor the reproaches of which he was the target turned him back.
Unshaken, he stood and faced a sea of troubles; staunch with the strength of
the Advent day, he confronted those who tried to thwart him and block his path.
The more they sought to instill doubts in his mind, the stronger he became; the
more they tormented him, the more progress he made. He was a captive of the
face of God, enslaved by the beauty of the All-Glorious; a flame of God’s love,
a jetting fountain of the knowledge of Him.
- ‘Abdu’l-Baha (‘Memorials of the Faithful’)