Posted every second day…

December 20

O servants of God and handmaids of the Lord! Think not that ye are forgotten for even a moment. ‘Abdu’l-Bahá maketh mention of you at all times with the utmost love and kindness, and supplicateth at the Threshold of God for His aid and favour, that invisible assistance may be vouchsafed unto you and the effusions of His grace may encompass you. May the friends in that region burn brightly even as candles, and the handmaids of the Merciful shine forth like unto stars. May they illuminate that country and make that land into a delectable paradise. May they proffer the wine of guidance and exhilarate them that yearn after the Realm of Glory. May they open the doors of the school of the spirit and be instructed by the heavenly Teacher in the mysteries of the love of God. May they associate with each other in utter humility and achieve spiritual communion. May they, each and all, sacrifice their lives and possessions for others and be kind to all the inhabitants of the world. May they rend asunder the veil of estrangement and consort with all people in unity. May they show trustworthiness even to the treacherous and love even to the oppressor. May they consider enemies as friends and regard strangers as comrades. These are the counsels and exhortations of God.

O friends! O handmaids of the Merciful! In gratitude for this most great guidance, associate with all people in the utmost joy and gladness, so that the eye of God’s favour may be turned towards you. Be not saddened by any calamity nor grieved by any trial. Remain firm and steadfast until your cherished hope may at last be realized and your highest wish fulfilled before the eyes of the world. Blessed are ye by the grace of your Lord, the Most Merciful! The Glory of God, the All-Glorious, rest upon you all, man and woman alike. 

- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (From a Tablet; Additional Tablets, Extracts and Talks; online Baha’i Reference Library of the Baha’i World Center)