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June 15

But the flight of the human spirit is through the glad-tidings of God. The flight of the human mind is through the increase of understanding and perception. The flight of the human heart is through the love of God. The divine teachings have been sent down that the human spirit may soar until it reacheth the heights of the most exalted kingdom, and that the human heart may fly through the love of God and attain nearness unto Him. Thus, for everything there is a flight, and whatsoever attaineth its highest degree hath flown in order to attain it. For example, this lamp, when it reacheth its highest degree, hath flown thereto. This flower, when it reacheth its highest degree, hath flown thereto. A human being, too, when attaining the highest station, hath flown to reach there. But human flight is through faith. Human flight is through the virtues of the world of humanity. Human flight is through the acquisition of perfections. Human flight is through adherence to the divine teachings. Human flight is through service to the oneness of the world of humanity. Human flight is through heedfulness to the verses of God. Human flight is to become the sign of guidance among the people. Human flight is to become a heavenly standard. Human flight is to become illumined with the light of truth. Human flight is to be detached from all save God. Human flight is to turn to the Abhá Kingdom. Human flight is to carry out the teachings of Bahá’u’lláh in their entirety. It is my hope that ye will all take flight; that your spirits, your hearts, and your minds will soar; and all your conditions will fly upwards. Such is my hope. God willing ye will be aided therein. 

- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (From a Tablet; ‘Additional Tablets, Extracts and Talks’, online Baha’i Reference Library of the Baha’i World Center)