June 29

O ye beloved of God, know that steadfastness and firmness in this new and wonderful Covenant is indeed the spirit that quickeneth the hearts which are overflowing with the love of the Glorious Lord; verily, it is the power which penetrates into the hearts of the people of the world! Your Lord hath assuredly promised His servants who are firm and steadfast to render them victorious at all times, to exalt their word, propagate their power, diffuse their lights, strengthen their hearts, elevate their banners, assist their hosts, brighten their stars, increase the abundance of the showers of mercy upon them, and enable the brave lions (or teachers) to conquer.

Hasten, hasten, O ye firm believers! Hasten, hasten, O ye steadfast! Abandon the heedless, set aside every ignorant, take hold of the strong rope, be firm in this Great Cause, draw light from this Evident Light, be patient and be steadfast in this wise Religion! Ye shall see the hosts of inspiration descending successively from the Supreme World, the procession of attraction falling incessantly from the heights of heaven, the abundance of the Kingdom of Abha outpouring continually and the teachings of God penetrating with the utmost power, while the heedless are indeed in evident loss. 

- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (‘Tablets of ‘Abdu’l-Baha, vol. 2)

June 27

I beseech God to make thee a sign of guidance among the people and a lamp of dazzling light in that extensive and large city, so that pure and good souls may be illuminated by the light of the knowledge of God and thus serve the Merciful Threshold by showing earnest desire for love, peace, affinity and harmony with the people of all religions. Verily the Spirit through which the temple of the contingent world shall be quickened in this time is indeed the founder of peace, the spirit of affinity and the light of love. This is that whereby this being of existence shall evolve and develop and the world of humanity be adorned with the raiment of glory and honor. Therefore it is incumbent upon thee to enkindle thyself with the fire of the love of God in order that thy words may have an effect in hearts which are as of hard stone. 

- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (‘Tablets of ‘Abdu’l-Baha', vol. 2)

June 25

O ye members of the spiritual assembly! Become ye firm and steadfast in the Covenant and Testament to such a degree that your meeting become the expression of one soul and endeavor ye with your hearts and minds so that ye may become the cause of the illumination of this darkened world and that through your efforts the lights of the Kingdom dawn upon this nether sphere. 

- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (From a Tablet to the Spiritual Assembly of New York; ‘Tablets of ‘Abdu’l-Baha, vol. 2)

June 23

O ye servants of God and maid-servants of the Merciful! [1]

…I hope that upon the coming of each auspicious day the friends of God may become doubled, that is, may become twofold; that the gentle fragrances of the love of God may be spread so universally that large cohorts enter under the shadow of the Word of God in a short space of time, and arise to serve, according to the heavenly instructions, in order that strife and warfare may vanish wholly from the human world, and the beauty of love, friendship and harmony may appear with such an appearance that all the intellects may become astonished, all the souls entranced and all the hearts attracted.

O ye friends! O ye maid-servants of the Merciful! Should ye realize in what a state this Tablet is written, assuredly ye will soar heavenward with joy and exultations and begin to cry out: “Glad-tidings! Glad-tidings!”

Today the whole world is heedless and ye are aware; all are in sleep and ye are wide awake; all are deprived and ye are the custodians of the mysteries of the Kingdom! Therefore, to render thanks for these bounties, open ye the tongue of praise and glorification and engage yourselves in the divine commemoration, in order that the confirmation may be added and the assistance may become renewed! 

- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (‘Tablets of ‘Abdu’l-Baha, vol. 2)

[1] To the Washington (D.C.) assembly.

June 21

Jesus Christ was an Educator of humanity. His teachings were altruistic; His bestowal, universal. He taught mankind by the power of the Holy Spirit and not through human agency, for the human power is limited, whereas the divine power is illimitable and infinite. The influence and accomplishment of Christ will attest this. Galen, the Greek physician and philosopher who lived in the second century A.D., wrote a treatise upon the civilization of nations. He was not a Christian, but he bore testimony that religious beliefs exercise an extraordinary effect upon the problems of civilization. In substance he said, “There are certain people among us, followers of Jesus, the Nazarene, who was killed in Jerusalem. These people are truly imbued with moral principles which are the envy of philosophers. They believe in God and fear Him. They have hopes in His favors; therefore, they shun all unworthy deeds and actions and incline to praiseworthy ethics and morals. Day and night they strive that their deeds may be commendable and that they may contribute to the welfare of humanity; therefore, each one of them is virtually a philosopher, for these people have attained unto that which is the essence and purport of philosophy. These people have praiseworthy morals, even though they may be illiterate.” 

- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (From a talk, 3 May 1912, Chicago, Illinois; ‘The Promulgation of Universal Peace: Talks Delivered by 'Abdu'l-Bahá during His Visit to the United States and Canada in 1912’)

June 19

…religion must be the cause of fellowship and love. If it becomes the cause of estrangement then it is not needed, for religion is like a remedy; if it aggravates the disease then it becomes unnecessary. 

- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (Quoted by the Universal House of Justice in a letter dated 12 February 2018 written on its behalf to an individual believer; US Baha’i National Administrative website)

June 17

The joy and happiness of the heart of ‘Abdu’l-Baha depends upon the stability and constancy of the believers. For they must live and act in accord with the divine advices and exhortations and show forth to each other the power of the perfection of love with infinite accord and unity, so that they may become the embodiment of one existence, the waves of one sea, the myrtles of one rose-garden, the rays of one sun, the stars of one horizon, the fruits of one tree and the birds of one meadow.

Likewise, they must treat and behave toward all the governments, nations, communities, kings and subjects with the utmost sincerity, trustworthiness, straightforwardness, love and kindness. Even they must make hopeful a bloodthirsty enemy, show sympathy with the utmost faithfulness and honor to the perfidious unjust, know the ill-wisher as the well-wisher and torment not the sinner with reproaches. Should they become the targets of a thousand arrows of persecution, they must challenge it with love and friendship and treat every one with purity of purpose and kindness. 

- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (From a Tablet to the Spiritual Assembly of New York; ‘Tablets of ‘Abdu’l-Baha, vol. 2)

June 15

But the flight of the human spirit is through the glad-tidings of God. The flight of the human mind is through the increase of understanding and perception. The flight of the human heart is through the love of God. The divine teachings have been sent down that the human spirit may soar until it reacheth the heights of the most exalted kingdom, and that the human heart may fly through the love of God and attain nearness unto Him. Thus, for everything there is a flight, and whatsoever attaineth its highest degree hath flown in order to attain it. For example, this lamp, when it reacheth its highest degree, hath flown thereto. This flower, when it reacheth its highest degree, hath flown thereto. A human being, too, when attaining the highest station, hath flown to reach there. But human flight is through faith. Human flight is through the virtues of the world of humanity. Human flight is through the acquisition of perfections. Human flight is through adherence to the divine teachings. Human flight is through service to the oneness of the world of humanity. Human flight is through heedfulness to the verses of God. Human flight is to become the sign of guidance among the people. Human flight is to become a heavenly standard. Human flight is to become illumined with the light of truth. Human flight is to be detached from all save God. Human flight is to turn to the Abhá Kingdom. Human flight is to carry out the teachings of Bahá’u’lláh in their entirety. It is my hope that ye will all take flight; that your spirits, your hearts, and your minds will soar; and all your conditions will fly upwards. Such is my hope. God willing ye will be aided therein. 

- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (From a Tablet; ‘Additional Tablets, Extracts and Talks’, online Baha’i Reference Library of the Baha’i World Center)

June 13

I was in the Orient, and from the Orient to this part of the world is a long distance. Travel is difficult, especially difficult for me on account of my infirmities of body, increased by forty years in prison. My physical powers are weak; it is the power of will that sustains me. Realize from this how great has been my exertion and how strong my purpose in accomplishing this journey through the will of God. May it be the cause of great illumination in the Occident.

- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (From a talk, 3 May 1912, Chicago, Illinois; ‘The Promulgation of Universal Peace: Talks Delivered by 'Abdu'l-Bahá during His Visit to the United States and Canada in 1912’)

June 11

“The woman is indeed of the greater importance to the race. She has the greater burden and the greater work. Look at the vegetable and the animal worlds. The palm which carries the fruit is the tree most prized by the date grower. The Arab knows that for a long journey the mare has the longest wind. For her greater strength and fierceness, the lioness is more feared by the hunter than the lion.

“... The woman has greater moral courage than the man; she has also special gifts which enable her to govern in moments of danger and crisis. ...” 

- 'Abdu'l-Baha  (From a talk, quoted by the Universal House of Justice in a letter dated 5 January 1986, written on its behalf to an individual believer; ‘Messages from the Universal House of Justice 1963-1986’; ‘‘Abdu’l-Baha in London’)

June 9

O ye elect and chosen ones of the Kingdom!

Thank God that the Greatest Name selected and elected that gathering, ushered it into the Kingdom of Eternal Glory, honored and crowned it amid the Supreme Concourse.

He placed upon each head a glorious diadem of guidance and established each one upon the throne of eternal reign. This is not known now but shall become evident and clear hereafter.

The seed when growing, at first doth not attract attention, but later it becometh green and thriveth, adorning the rose-garden and the orchard. Now, likewise, this divine bounty is unknown, it is not yet revealed, but soon will its splendor illumine the horizons and brighten the East and the West. 

- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (From a Tablet to the Spiritual Assembly of New York; ‘Tablets of ‘Abdu’l-Baha, vol. 2)

June 7

O spiritual friends and loved ones of the All-Merciful!

In every Age believers are many but the tested are few. Render ye praise unto God ye that are tested believers, that ye have been subjected to every kind of trial and ordeal in the path of the supreme Lord. In the fire of ordeals, your faces have flushed aglow like unto pure gold, and amidst the flames of cruelty and oppression which the wicked had kindled, ye suffered yourselves to be consumed while remaining all the time patient. Thus ye have initiated every believer into the ways of steadfastness and fortitude. 

- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (From a Tablet, included in a message from the Universal House of Justice dated 19 May 2009 addressed to the Believers in the Cradle of the Faith; Online Baha’i Reference Library of the Baha’i World Center)

June 5

The handmaidens of God and the bondsmaids in His divine Court should reveal such attributes and attitudes amongst the women of the world as would cause them to stand out and achieve renown in the circles of women. That is, they should associate with them with supreme chastity and steadfast decency, with unshakeable faith, articulate speech, an eloquent tongue, irrefutable testimony and high resolve. Beseech God that thou mayest attain unto all these bounties. 

- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (Quoted by the Universal House of Justice in a letter dated 5 January 1986, written on its behalf to an individual believer; ‘Messages from the Universal House of Justice 1963-1986’)

June 3

In this western world with its stimulating climate, its capacities for knowledge and lofty ideals, the message of peace should be easily spread. The people are not so influenced by imitations and prejudices, and through their comprehension of the real and unreal they should attain the truth. They should become leaders in the effort to establish the oneness of humankind. What is higher than this responsibility? In the Kingdom of God no service is greater, and in the estimation of the Prophets, including Jesus Christ, there is no deed so estimable.

Yet even now warfare prevails. Envy and hatred have arisen between nations. But because I find the American nation so capable of achievement and this government the fairest of western governments, its institutions superior to others, my wish and hope is that the banner of international reconciliation may first be raised on this continent and the standard of the Most Great Peace be unfurled here. May the American people and their government unite in their efforts in order that this light may dawn from this point and spread to all regions, for this is one of the greatest bestowals of God. In order that America may avail herself of this opportunity, I beg that you strive and pray with heart and soul, devoting all your energies to this end: that the banner of international peace may be upraised here and that this democracy may be the cause of the cessation of warfare in all other countries. 

- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (From a talk, 3 May 1912, Chicago, Illinois; ‘The Promulgation of Universal Peace: Talks Delivered by 'Abdu'l-Bahá during His Visit to the United States and Canada in 1912’)

June 1

As to the ordeals of ‘Abdu’l-Baha, his trials and calamities, grieve not on that account, but rather be in perfect happiness and joy, for—praise be to God!—he was worthy and deserved these trials in the Path of Baha’. 

- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (From a Tablet to the Spiritual Assembly of New York; ‘Tablets of ‘Abdu’l-Baha, vol. 2)