illumined Orb (Baha'u'llah) hath risen from the horizon of sanctity and
holiness to shed Its Rays upon the expanse of the universe and that mysterious
Beloved hath rent asunder the veil of concealment and appeared in the
Assemblage of Humanity so that the wooers of His heart-captivating Beauty
attained to His meeting, and torrents of spiritual teachings have descended
from His Holy Lips, that we may be enabled to hear with the ear of the spirit,
walk in the Path of the Beloved; see His Attributes and Manners; behold His
Character and Principles; drink the Cup of Bestowal, taste the sweetness of His
Reality, obey His Religion and emulate His glorious Example.
- ‘Abdu’l-Baha (From a Tablet to the Spiritual Assembly of Baku, Russia; Star of the West, vol.
2, no. 6, June 24, 1911)