All countries, in the estimation of the one true God, are
but one country, and all cities and villages are on an equal footing. Neither
holds distinction over another. All of them are the fields of God and the
habitation of the souls of men. Through faith and certitude, and the precedence
achieved by one over another, however, the dweller conferreth honor upon the
dwelling, some of the countries achieve distinction, and attain a preeminent
position. For instance, notwithstanding that some of the countries of Europe
and of America are distinguished by, and surpass other countries in, the
salubrity of their climate, the wholesomeness of their water, and the charm of
their mountains, plains and prairies, yet Palestine became the glory of all
nations inasmuch as all the holy and divine Manifestations, from the time of
Abraham until the appearance of the Seal of the Prophets (Muhammad), have lived
in, or migrated to, or traveled through, that country. Likewise, Mecca and
Medina have achieved illimitable glory, as the light of
Prophethood shone forth therein. For this reason Palestine and Hijáz have been
distinguished from all other countries.
Likewise, the continent of America is, in the eyes of the
one true God, the land wherein the splendors of His light shall be revealed,
where the mysteries of His Faith shall be unveiled, where the righteous will
abide and the free assemble. Therefore, every section thereof is blessed…
‘Tablets of the Divine Plan’)