There are two Books: One is the Book of Creation and the
other is the written Book. The written Book consisteth of the heavenly Books
which are revealed to the Prophets of God and have issued forth from the lips
of His Manifestations. The Book of Creation is the preserved Tablet and the
outspread roll of existence. The Book of Creation is in accord with the written
Book. In the written Book thou canst find chapters and verses, words and
letters; and inner meanings and mysteries are hidden therein. Likewise the Book
of Creation is the command of God and the repository of divine mysteries. In it
there are great signs, universal images, perfect words, exalted symbols, and
secrets of all things, whether of the past or of the future.
When thou readest the written Book thou wilt become aware of
the mysteries of God, but when thou gazest at the Book of Creation thou wilt
observe the signs, symbols, realities, and reflections of the hidden mysteries
of the bounties of His Holiness the Incomparable One.…
It is thus clear and evident that in the world of the Holy
Writ there are letters, words, and verses, and likewise in the world of
creation there are letters, words, and verses....
The essence of our meaning is that creation is in accord
with the written word, and this is certain.
- ‘Abdu’l-Baha (From a Tablet;
‘Additional Tablets, Extracts and Talks’; online Baha’i Reference Library,
Baha’i World Centre)